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Category: Uncategorized

Turmeric, the miracle spice?

I’m seeing lots of claims from the medical community about turmeric, the main spice in curry. For example, Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS says: “arguably the most powerful herb on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease. It has so many healing properties that currently there have been 6,235 peer-reviewed articles published proving the benefits of turmeric and one of its renowned healing compounds curcumin.” “Of the 6000+ studies referencing curcumin, the most interesting finding is that when…

2017 is bound to be awesome!

Why? The short answer is: “because we say so.” There are several ”truths” that deserve a reminder here: 1. We are, each of us, totally responsible for the way our life experience progresses. 2. Whatever we focus on becomes our “truth”. 3. When we focus on what we want, more than what we don’t want (i.e.: what we fear we’ll get), we’re guaranteed to get what we want. If you’re comfortable with these “truths”, then 2017 can be fantastic for…

Sitting is Killing me, and probably you

Is Sitting Really The New Smoking? When I read this article, I didn’t want to believe it.  But the evidence is undeniable: “As soon as our backsides hit the chair, several metabolic and physical changes start to occur: Our resting metabolic rate plummets, which means that your body burns minimal calories. This helps to explain why increased sitting is associated with higher rates of obesity. The electrical activity in our leg muscles drops right off. Blood circulation in our legs…

Just don’t call it “meditation”

I’m sure you’ve heard of all the great benefits of meditation. Studies show that meditation: enhances creativity, improves your relationships, helps you focus, boosts emotional intelligence, decreases anxiety, improves cardiovascular health, and more. Despite all these real, tested benefits, chances are you’re not doing it.  Am I right? (please let me know if you are a regular meditator …I’d love to be wrong). A shortcut to nearly all the benefits If you want the benefits of meditation, but for whatever…

Feet! …Don’t fail me now.

This is not about outrunning that bear in the woods.  This is about the prospect that your feet, at some point, will give out on you. About 75% of people in the United States have foot pain at some time in their lives. Have you noticed that most people as they age begin to wobble as they walk? That’s because, for many, it’s painful to walk. Over the years I’ve neglected my feet, and I got away with it, until…

Enjoy aging …Really?

Celebrating my 80th birthday was huge for me,  because I’ve achieved this milestone with (what many call), incredible health …both mentally and physically.  I’m having a blast! I’ve known for a long time that the very best thing I can do for my loved ones, and for myself, is to maintain my good health and well being as I pile up the birthdays. Actually, that’s true for you too, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you love to live a healthier, happier life? …

Curb your worry …or else.

We all worry way too much …right?  It just seems to be automatic and out of our control.  And we know it’s not good for us, but did you know just how harmful excessive worry can be to our health? Here’s an article from Dec. 27, 2011 Psychology Today  in which David Ropeik starts the article by saying:   “Stress. It is probably one of the biggest risks we face. The more worried you are that you might get sick, the…

Stop taking vitamin/ mineral supplements?

In a recent editorial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a group of physicians who reviewed three studies published by other researchers concluded that the types of vitamin and mineral supplements sold by Melaleuca’s competitors are of no benefit to your health whatsoever. Worse than that, they may do more harm than good! Why did Melateuca bring this report to our attention? Because Melaleuca scientists announced this same finding nearly 5 years ago. Turns out, inorganic forms of minerals…

You’re never too old for better health

We hear a lot about aging and declining health …but I’m not buying it! I hope you don’t buy into that either. I’ll be 79 next month, and I’m actually getting better muscle tone, better skin tone, and sickness, of any kind, is a thing of the past. We’ve been using the Melaleuca Vitality Packs, Access bars, Coldwater Omega-3’s, and protein shakes since we signed on with this company over 4 years ago. Now I’ve added some new fitness products…