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Category: better health now

Choosing Good Health

The older I get (I’m nearly 80), the more it’s clear to me that life is all about choices.  Even when Life hands us situations we didn’t really want, we make choices about the way we deal with them …or not. A few years ago when I saw friends and family getting “old” right in front of me, I decided to find a better way …and I’ve been very successful so far. It’s a program of eating right, exercising daily,…

It’s tea time again!

Hope you’re enjoying excellent health right now.  You know, it’s cold and flu season, and many folks we know are not doing well.  So I thought I’d share our secret for staying free of colds and flu (which we have for the last 5 years). First, here’s a link to a Natural Immune Boosters Research Report; very good suggestions on boosting your immune system (the secret), and dealing with cold or flu if you already have it. Here’s what we…

Mind powered health

You may have heard that our beliefs play a very important role in the outcome of any health practice we pursue …weather it’s having a medical procedure or taking pills.  Much of the medical researcher community now concedes that the mind has an influence, although just how much, they can’t agree. So, how can we take advantage this?  Before I make any changes to my health program, I do the research.  If my research findings support the change, I’ve developed…

How to have a cold & flu free winter

There’s a ton of information out there about staying free of colds and flu. Yet most people we know are still hit …every year!  I hope you’re not one of them, but if you have friends or family who are — I’m happy to report that V. and I have been completely flu and cold free since we started using the Melaleuca products 4.5 years ago. I think it’s mainly because we’ve boosted our immune systems to a point where,…

Made with Love

We’ve been buying organic produce whenever we can. Besides the benefits of more nutrients and no pesticides, there’s another important reason we choose to pay more.  We believe that the people who grow organic produce have a calling to do it, and it’s not the money. We believe that organic food, for the most part, is grown with love …and we benefit from that. A few years ago we had the opportunity to visit the Melaleuca manufacturing facility in Idaho…