Global happiness has increased for the second year in a row. It is six points higher than a year ago and 10 points higher than it was in August 2020, just months after COVID disrupted people’s lives around the world.
But what do you believe? Many point to the lingering pandemic concerns, the “abnormal” hurricanes, tornados, typhoons, cyclones and wildfires wreaking their destruction on all continents, the increased social and political unrest and two active military conflicts….as conclusive evidence that these are, perhaps the worst of times.
How we experience life depends largely on where we focus our attention. Weather you experience life as good or, not …is entirely up to you.
What is your definition of the good life? It’s a good question to ask, and may be easier to achieve than you think. “When a team of researchers asked around 8,000 people from across the globe exactly what constituted the perfect life, on average they reported they wanted to live to 90 and have an IQ of 120. Good health was very important, they responded, but spending about 75 percent of their time happy was good enough to qualify as ideal.”
Could that definition of the good life work for you? It certainly does for me. It may seem modest, but in being so easy to achieve, I’ll be happier and live longer …statistically. I am knocking on the door of 90 (next year) and am in great health. At this point in life I have become a practitioner of joy and I truly see the world getting happier ….. it’s all about your focus.
I’d love to have your take on the good life. Let me know.
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