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Whacked by the Flu Bug

After enjoying more than a decade of freedom from cold or flu symptoms I’m embarrassed to admit that I got whacked pretty hard. The deep, uncontrollable cough was the worst. There were times I could actually hear and feel a “gurgling” in my chest. (suggesting fluids in my lungs). High fever. Couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t eat. Went to the doctor.

But what I really want to share with you is how I did a speedy recovery. Victoria nursed me like a pro. Insisted I eat when I really didn’t want to eat. Insisted I take some antibiotics. Insisted I rest a lot.

On day four Victoria remembers me making an announcement: “I got this thing! I’m going to work with my mind and start appreciating my body.” What was a very high fever for 4 days broke that evening. Within two days I was nearly 100% normal.

Want to know why my healing happened so quickly? For the past year, Victoria & I have been studying the teachings of experts who explain the science behind the mind/body connection.
Dr. Joe Dispenza , Gregg Braden , and Dr. Bruce Lipton have been our teachers to show us exactly how our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. We’ve learned some valuable tools to manage our physical health.

One of the most effective, easy to use tools is a guided meditation. The benefits of meditation for good mental & physical health are widely recognized, but for many – – – it’s just too difficult. But the guided meditation we use at least once every day is very easy to use. Check it out. Use it consistently and you’ll benefit for sure.

I’d love to hear from you.

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